life in a small town

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life in a small town: simple, sweet and southern-just the way we like it!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

{Never Forget}

It's amazing how an event can define your lifetime. I could never understand how my parents could remember exactly where they were when Kennedy was shot. But now I remember exactly where I was when the first plane hit the Twin Towers, on September 11, 2001, sitting in the hallway of my high school during our 'break'.  I remember exactly who came through the doors saying a plane hit the Towers and thinking what a horrible accident. I remember sitting in English class when the second plane hit. We were finally allowed to watch the news in my history class, and for the first time in my life I remember being afraid. Our great nation was under attack. I learned 'war' is a nasty, terrible, but necessary word, and the word 'fear' was a part of daily life.

In the midst of this tragedy, you started to hear other words, hope and healing. People put aside their differences and began to rebuild broken lives and our broken country. Eleven years later, it still hurts to watch the footage, but it reminds us of what a strong resilient country we are.

Today, tell a fireman, policeman and soldier thank you.  They're missing supper with their families so you can eat with yours. Offer a helping hand.  Be proud to be an American.